CIGARDEN Mobile Cigar Service
CIGARDEN is a mobile cigar service that aspires to educate and cultivate great cigar experiences for novice cigar smokers and aficionados. Add our service to your next event to make it memorable…or make it the event itself!
Cigar Rolling Demonstration
Let us 'wow' your guest at your next event by demonstrating how cigars are made. This is a very engaging service and is one of our most popular.
$400 (Minimum 2 hours / $100 each additional hour). Fee for cigars is separate and starts at $5 each. Optional custom bands $2 each.
Cigar Table Station
(Cut and Light Service)
Is your event indoors? Or, maybe your space is too small to accommodate our pop-up worries. Our table service can be added to help kick things up a notch. We will help your guest select the best cigar suited for them. We will even instruct them on how to smoke it.
$300 (Minimum 2 hours /$100 each additional hour) Fee for cigars is separate and starts at $5 each. Optional custom bands $2 each.
Cigar Tent and Table Station
Our 10 x 10 pop-up tent will allow your guests to sit and relax while enjoying their cigar. It is great for cookouts, weddings, golf outings, tailgating, festivals, parties, corporate events and more.
$400 (Minimum 2 hours /$100 each additional hour) Fee for cigars is separate and starts at $5 each. Optional custom bands $2 each. Portable heaters $20 each.
Beverage Station
While Whiskey, Bourbon and wine are known to pair perfectly with cigars, did you know that coffee and other hot beverages do too? Add our non-alcoholic beverage service to your next event for smokers and non-smokers. Guest can enjoy a variety of coffees, teas, cocoa, or hot cider. Flavored syrups and creamers included.
$200 (Minimum 2 hours / $100 each additional hour) $3 per 12 oz serving.
Custom Cigar Bands
Create your own signature cigar for your next event. We can use your artwork or logo, or create it for you.
$2.00 per band (Minimum Quantity 20)
Custom Matches
Matches are not only helpful, they also make a nice keepsake. We can create custom matches to match your signature cigar.
$.75 per box (Minimum Quantity 20)
Drive-By Service
A great addition to any gathering!
This is a combination of our cigar delivery and Cigar 101. Total service time is less than an hour.
$100 (Requires a minimum $50 cigar pre-purchase and includes a mini-Cigar 101 Presentation).
Available only for events within a 30-mile radius of Shade Cigar Café.
Delivery Service
Let us bring the cigars to you with our door-to-door delivery service.
Requires a minimum $50 cigar purchase (Mileage fee charged)
Custom Gift Boxes
Give the special cigar smoker in your life a customized experience in a box.
(Price varies)
Signature Events
Girl Chat is our annual event that focuses on Cigar Education, Sisterhood, Inspiration and Networking.
Fill out the form on our Contact and Booking page to be added to our database. Or, follow us on social media to learn the date of the next Girl Chat and other upcoming events.
Cigar 101 Events
Our Cigar 101 is a full education and immersion into the basics of cigars and cigar smoking. It can be added to your event, or can be the event itself...and you can be the host!
Contact us so we can chat about it.
Hosted Cigar Station
Treat your guests to a complimentary cigar station. You select the cigars that you want served and have CIGARDEN on hand to cut and light them.
Guest-Pay Cigar Station
Give your guests the opportunity to purchase from a wide variety of cigars. CIGARDEN will be available to cut and light them.
Additional Fees
- Additional Service Time - $100/hr.
- Mileage fee charged to events beyond 30 miles
- Request for early set up charged at a minimum $100/hr
- Booking subject to additional travel expenses based on location
Add On Services
- Cigar 101 Presentation – Additional $100
- Roaming Cigar Attendant – Additional $100
- Pre-Purchased Generic Cigars -$5 per cigar (Minimum Qty. 20)
- Custom Branded Individual Wooden Cigar Gift Box – $5.00 ea.
- Other Gifts and Apparel - (Prices vary)